(des) organizado

15 jun 2011

::: era yo antes de N :::

collage3GUATEMALA 2 126
viva mexico cabrones 176
laura 194-1

sin miedo a GUATE
a contraluz en MEXICO CITY
con mis mujeres desplazadas internas del campo de Fataborno, Darfur, SUDAN
en B/N vestida de blanco en corn island, NICARAGUA

era yo antes de N.
...y permanezco ahí, en cada instantánea
...y cierro los ojos, mientras se imprimen las fotos en mi memoria.

hoy no tengo mejor regalo para tí, mi pequeña N con pelo de oro alborotado.

Life on the road is something that arises to embrace. I encourage you to open your eyes and your heart to the world. 
I never set out to become something in particular, just wanted to live creatively and push the realm of my experience for adventure, a passion. But all this means something to me, as anyone with more dreams. 
I want to see my life documenting on how i see it in my head and how i feel with my feet on earth. It is a rare skill set to start acquiring. It can only be achieved through time spent playing with the life, all types of travel, in all kinds of crafts ... means more time for learning. Taste cultures always learn something. 
The world is a wise teacher of ancient life classroom and I hope always will be.